MKL Association Board Highlights – 9-April-2018

Dear Residents:
Here are the highlights from the April 09, 2018 board meeting,

Grounds: If you see a problem tree, please bring it to Nick’s attention. He is getting a quote to repair the garden fence. We still need to remove fallen trees from the lake.

Cubhouse: The floors were refinished in the clubhouse and Bruce Bowden is continuing the work on wall of the basement. Bob sand blasting the block and getting ready to paint the basement walls.. A deteriorated retaining wall outside the basement was the case of the current rotten wall in the basement and needs to be replaced

April 19th the board of adjustment is meeting on the portico.
If anyone would like the upright piano contact one of the board members

Beaches & Docks Fred Luberto – – Beach Cleanup will be scheduled for May 12, 2018.

Please keep your eyes open for geese nests it looks like there is another family of geese.

WATER SYSTEM and Dam: Rick Barret sent an update and there will be a meeting at the clubhouse on May 10th 6-7PM with an update and questions.

Roads: Road Cleanup will be April 21st with lunch after. Please come join your neighbors.

Treasurer: The monthly reports are posted on the MKL website. A request was made to wave dues during the construction of 19 Alpine and the Board voted against waving the dues.

New business: Nick and Austin are meeting at the Kerns to address the issue of the water flowing into the road from their property causing dangerous ice conditions in the winter months.

Tawnya and Austin met with the Association’s attorney to discuss our voting procedures. We must keep a record of which household votes for one year and our procedures are legal. However, to accommodate those residence who wish to keep their preferences private the board voted to distribute the ballots with a self-addressed envelope and send them to a non-MKL resident to tally and hold.

Tawnya Kabnick,Secretary

Board meetings are scheduled for the following dates: May 7
June 11


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