MKL Callout System

Mt Kemble Lake Call-Out Alerts

Mt. Kemble Lake uses an automated phone call-out system for important safety and community notices. Each resident family may have up to three phone numbers listed in this system. To request an addition or change contact John Murray at or call 973 425-0646.

If you have Caller ID, MKL calls will show as 973-425-4036, which is the phone number at the Clubhouse. Each emergency message will be prepared by the individual at the Lake who knows the most about that particular event. Questions about a particular message should be directed to that individual.

If you notice a condition that warrants activation of the system, Please notify any of the following:

Chris Allyn 973-425-1246 – The Lake and dam
Rick Barrett 973-425-1414 – The water system
Bobbi Coulter 201-321-7722 – General
Austin Godfrey 973-425-6491 – Association/Lakeshore
John Murray 973-425-0646 – General