Claire Allison Duffy, beloved daughter, sister and aunt, was born on August 3rd 1969. She passed away at home in New Vernon New Jersey on October 27th 2020. She will be missed by all who knew her.
Claire loved animals, baking cookies, swimming with the mermaids at Mt. Kemble Lake but she especially loved singing in the choir at The Church of Christ the King. She enjoyed dog walking and house sitting for neighbors as well as working in the Malta Backpack program at church to assist the poor. The friendships she made with the members of the choir and her Recovery program were especially treasured by Claire. Every month the Harding Township Police were the lucky recipients of her delicious cookies.
Claire was a kind soul who loved making people happy and will be missed by her friends and family. She is survived by her parents Charles and Helen Duffy, her siblings Jeanne Duffy McCabe (Brian McCabe), Charlie Duffy and Liz Duffy (Judd Pilossof) nephews Colin, Tim and Liam McCabe and niece Caroline McCabe.
In lieu of flowers please send donations to the New Vernon Volunteer Rescue Squad.
This Obituary was copied from this site.
Additional information from Jeannie McCabe: “Due to the covid restrictions her funeral mass will be private however, people can find a link to view the service online this Saturday at 11 am and the Graveside service at the New Vernon Cemetery will be open to the public with social distancing. In addition we have asked that in lieu of flowers please donate to the New Vernon Volunteer Rescue squad, there is a direct link on the obituary to their website.“