- Photo Contest TGIF was a great success. Attendance was 65 (including six kids). From the attendees, 61 submitted ballots and 3 ballots were submitted by e-mail.
- All 55 photos that were high vote getters in the individual months are available for viewing (with the photographer’s attribution) here . The winners for each month are indicated. There were three months in which there was a tie for first.
- We are offering a number of “products” from the contest. The Order Form can be found here. Return to Joan Haynsworth by Friday, 29-October. Our (the Contest Committee’s) intent is to create from the proceeds a “Photo Wall” for the Clubhouse from the set of monthly high vote getters..
If you submitted images, thank you. If you participated in image selection, thank you. If you attended the TGIF and voted or voted by email, thank you.
— Chris Allyn, Contest Coordinator