Using the Lake and Beach

Each spring, the Beaches & Docks Trustee distributes access badges.   (If you are not receiving badges, it’s because your Association payments are not current. Contact the Treasurer at  When accepting badges, please keep in mind the rules that govern conduct here at the lake.   They’re spelled out in detail in the Mt. Kemble Lake Association Rules and Regulations.   What follows are some of those that apply to swimming and boating, supplemented by some common-sense rules for safety and appropriate maintenance of the beach.  It’s suggested that you review these with members of the family, especially children, at the start of each beach season.

  1. All swimming anywhere in the lake is at one’s own risk.  No lifeguards are provided.
  2. Eight badges are issued to each household in good standing. These are to be worn or carried by all using the beach, tennis court, dog park or who are boating or fishing. If you want to bring more than 8 people to the beach, please contact the Beaches & Docks Chair or other MKLA Board member to make special arrangements.
  3. Badges may be used by your guests and your children’s guests when accompanied by a resident.  Their safety is your responsibility. Know whom your children have invited (and when) and alert their parents that there is no lifeguard.  Collect badges at the end of each visit.
  4. A member must be with any guests and is responsible for their behavior. Members should not invite friends to use badges when the member is not present.
  5. Children unable to swim competently or under age 10 are not permitted in the water unless supervised by an adult. For non-swimmers, we suggest a securable life vest.
  6. No disruptive behavior, pushing, tripping, or general roughhousing is permitted on the beach, floats, or docks. When playing games, participants must consider others using the beach or lake.
  7. No breakable containers, alcoholic beverages, or outdoor cooking are permitted on the beach except at community functions. No food or beverages are permitted on the floats and docks.
  8. The picnic table should be kept clear of towels, toys, and personal belongings. Others may want to use it for a picnic.
  9. All personal property (chairs, toys, food containers, trash, etc.) brought to the beach should be removed when leaving for the day. Please know that if things are left on the beach they may be discarded or removed to the Club House where they will be stored under the deck.  If they belong to you, you can retrieve them there.  Any items remaining at the Club House at the end of the season will be discarded.
  10. No pets are permitted at the beach.
  11. No swimming is allowed after 10:00pm.
  12. Boats may not be used within the swimming area that is demarcated by a line of floats or between the floats and the floating platform.
  13. Boats are to be stored in the boat area and not on the swimming beach. They should be pulled out of the water and stored on the ground or on the racks provided.

Have a safe and fun summer!