Holiday carnival goes (partly) digital

December 5, 2020

This is an experiment. Please don’t shoot the experimentalists! Please be curious and read the entire notice.

  1. Vendors

In our initial plan we had envisioned a number of resident vendors offering a variety of crafts for holiday shopping. 12 such vendors came forward offerring wares.

Due to the perseverance of our vendors and in light of the importance of shopping opportunities at this time of year we offer the following digital “Vendor Catalog” (also available here on the MKL Website).  Vendor names, contact info, and a sampling of offerings are provided.

Some of these vendors will be present Sunday afternoon, on the Clubhouse lawn from 3:30-4:30 pm if you want to stop by.  For those who prefer another way, you can contact a vendor by email or phone to shop.

  1. Silent Auction Baskets

Also in the initial plan was a benefit for the Country Cub consisting of donated baskets to be silent auctioned during the carnival.  13 such baskets have been offered (a great show of community support).

We want to go ahead with the auction of these items but want to broaden participation among the community so we are going to try an “online/in person” hybrid activity. Here is how we want it to work:

At the highest level:

  • A digital listing of baskets will be provided (see link below). Baskets will also be on display on the lawn in front of the clubhouse between 3:30 and 4:30 on Sunday.
  • Bids will be possible in person or remotely. 
  • Bidding will be open from noon Saturday until 6:00 PM Sunday. 
  • Bid status updates will be sent by email several times during the interval.
  • Winners will be notified Monday morning

The “Silent Auction Basket Listing (also available here on the MKL Website) has photos of the baskets, a basket retail value, and the suggested starting bid. 

If you want place bids remotely or if you just want to watch the fun, please reply to to be put on the email contact list. 

To bid:

  • bid info must include Item # and your bid amount
  • from Saturday noon to Sunday at 6:00, contact Chris Allyn at
   or 973-452-0184 (voice or text) to place a bid
  • from Sunday at 3:30 until 4:30, bid in person at Clubhouse lawn or contact Chris Allyn at
   or 973-452-0184 (voice or text)

Bidding updates to be provided to the e-mail list

  • 4 PM and 8 PM on Saturday 
  • 10 AM and 2 PM on Sunday 
  • 3:30 and 4:30 on Sunday. 

Bidding ends at 6 PM on Sunday. 

If there is something (or everything) that you don’t understand but want to, please contact Chris Allyn at

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